Here in New Zealand we are now at Level 4 ( the highest ) which means like many countries we are in lockdown. Everyone must stay home , unless we want to go for some exercise. BUT , don’t go too far. Stick to your suburb. Of course there are essentials such as food and medical supplies.
Bars , restaurants , cafes, gyms , museums plus general retail are all closed. Schools , early children centres and universities are shut. School holidays have been brought forward so they are now inside the 4 week lockdown.
As mentioned , essential services such as supermarkets,banks, GPs, pharmacies , service stations and postage have continued. Sounds like some others such as The Warehouse, Briscoes, Harvey Norman and Noel Leeming are going to open again. They may not be able to sell/ market all of their products. It’s hard to look at them as “essential”. Mitre 10 & Bunnings have always been open. What they sell is essential for some tradesmen to continue when required.
So, the mininum lockdown period is 4 weeks. It will be surprsing if we don’t continue for longer. The government has said it is likely to get worse before better. We have only had the 1 death at this stage. We are very lucky that we are a very small country on our own.
So, soap and hand sanitiser is essential. We must all make sure we use these regularly. Also, if you are going to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose , do it into your sleeve.
Make sure you have your essential foods and medicines. Remember not to panic buy. There seems to be lines outside of supermarkets all day. It makes one wonder how often people usually go to the supermarket. We should all be able to get it back to just once a week.
So, take care and all the best !!